Dermal Fillers
Our skin changes due to aging. Especially with dehydration and sagging of the skin make the wrinkles become more obvious, especially on the chin and cheeks.
Dermal Fillers remove the effects of the loss of ligaments caused by aging. Therefore, it slows the aging process.
Today, hyaluronic acid, which is existent in the ligaments and helps the skin to stay tight and stretched, is used as the dermal filling. Hyaluronic acid is a safe substance which is approved by FDA and is not extracted from animals. Hyaluronic acid is not a permanent dermal filling substance. It is natural, thus it is absorbed and disappears within 6-12 months. It helps create a natural look as it is an organic ingredient.
How is it performed?
It is performed by thin needles, directly into the skin where there are wrinkles or ligament loss. It is a quick procedure and it can be performed in a doctor’s office.
When do I see the effects?
Most of the time, immediately. Some people experience a slight swelling due to their skin type so it might take 1-2 hours after the procedure.
Is anaesthesia necessary before this procedure?
They are injected with needles so anaesthetic creams are applied unless it is a very small area and do not require several injections.
In which cases it can be used?
- Cheek wrinkles
- Forehead and eyebrow wrinkles
- Nasolabial wrinkles (lines from the edge of the mouth towards the nose)
- Chin wrinkles
- Providing puffier lips
- Increasing the volume of the cheeks
- Increasing the volume of the jaw
- Increasing the volume of supraorbital foramen
- Increasing the volume of the temple area
Other objectives that it can be applied as
- Eyebrow lift
- Changing the profile of the nose
- Treating bags under eyes
- The marks or spots on the skin caused by acne or other factors
- Making the outline of the lips more defined
How long does its effect last?
They last up to 12 months with the help of the modern technology but this period can decrease to 6-8 months on the areas where mimics are more frequently used. By applying it on a regular basis, the effects can be more permanent.
Possible Complications
It is performed by needles, thus it may cause mild swelling and itching on the skin. But these effects are not seen in all areas. For instance, the region under the eyes has thinner skin and experiences more swelling whereas on nasolabial lines, there appears less swelling.
Both the swellings and rash disappear within 1-2 hours after. Bruises can also occur during the procedure and they disappear within 1 week after the procedure but if anticoagulant drugs are taken, bruises last for nearly 2 weeks.
What should I know about the post-operation?
You should not have a bath or take a shower within the first 24 hours after the injections. Unless requested by the doctor, applied area should not be massaged. Cool or hot compress should not be applied to the injected area. If the Dermal filler is applied to the lips, patients should try not to move their lips during the first 1-2 hours. Other than these small precautions, it is completely okay to return your daily routine.
What time of the year would be the best to have dermal fillers?
It can be performed in all seasons as the sun does not have any negative effect on the procedure.
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